Monday, August 13, 2007

What a Weekend!

Yep. Good weekend. Too bad it's over so soon when you're having fun....

Saturday was great because I got some flying in. I don't know about anybody else out there, but most pilots I know agree: a bad day flying is WAY better than a good day... doing anything else. I dunno. All I know is that if I've flown, I feel much, MUCH better about how my day is going overall. All I did was hop in the plane with an instructor and fly down to Binghamton to do some crosswind practice (which went really well, FINALLY. Crosswinds have been a thorn in my side for some time now), but after that, the day was just great. I was satisfied. And I even had a headache and stomach issues after eating some leftover Chinese food for lunch. Seriously, I should just give up Chinese food altogether; it just seems to cause problems for me.

I know, I know. TMI.

Sunday was the East Hill Flying Club picnic at Myers Point Park in Lansing - beautiful park, if you've never been. I almost didn't go, because I didn't know what kind of food I could bring to contribute, and I'm not a terribly social person to begin with, but it worked out. One of the members had his boat there, so I went for some boat rides. Went once just to tool around and relax, then again to watch three other guys waterski. Now, if you know me, then you know what condition I'm in now (sunburned. Duh.), but it was worth it. I haven't been out on a boat in forever - much less a motorboat. Canoes or kayaks (flatwater, thanks very much) are much more my speed, but even so, it was just fun to hang out on a boat and watch the water go by. Plus, we couldn't have asked for nicer weather: some scattered clouds, bright blue sky, bright sun, little bit of a cool breeze... ah. That's the life.

Although, before I enjoy too much more of it, I'll have to buy stock in Bullfrog or Coppertone or something.

Also checked out some great movies. First was Stranger Than Fiction, the Will Farrell flick about a guy who hears someone narrating his life. Really funny, really poignant movie. I might buy it. We'll see. The other movie was Peaceful Warrior, based on a book with a similar title (just add "The Way Of The..." in front, and you've got it). Wow. Deep. Very interesting, and, I daresay, inspiring. In retrospect, it's kind of trite stuff about life and whatnot, but I think that kind of gives credence to what it's saying - a lot of different sources agree on these principles, so there's got to be some truth to it. Anyway, it's about a college gymnast who's in line for the Olympics and a mentor he meets who really gets him to examine his life, his priorities, and what's truly important. Naturally, it turns the kid's life around. Not that he had a BAD life to begin with (as he says, "My dad's got plenty of cash, school's a breeze, I get straight A's, and I never sleep alone unless I WANT to."), but it's hollow. He's not truly happy, because he's constantly chasing something external. If I got the idea right, the concept is more or less summed up with the phrase, "Everyone's looking for answers outside themselves. The only thing you'll find outside yourself is more questions. The only answers you'll ever find are WITHIN yourself." Like I said, kind of trite, but still deep. I feel like I need to go back and watch the movie again, only this time, take notes.

Or I could just get the book. That works, too.

That's it for me at the moment. I'm on long days, now - Sherry (the other secretary where I work) is now on a two-week vacation, and I'm still going in to the liquor store, on top of that... so I'm looking at 12.5-hour days, at least until I'm caught up at the liquor store. Wish me luck!

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